The IUB® SEAD®  (Spherical Endometrial Ablation Device) – currently in Phase II Clinical Studies – offers a disposable, point of care therapy for abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) and/or heavy menstrual bleeding – a far more comfortable and cost effective alternative for hundreds of thousands of women per year who opt to increase their quality of life.

14 – 25% of women
of reproductive age
are affected by AUB

$12 Billion* annual
indirect economic
costs of AUB in the US
4th common reason
for OBGYN visit
81% of women find
heavy periods
disruptive to sex life
66% of women feel
exhausted when
period is heaviest

42% of women suffer
from depression
due to heavy periods

The Solution - IUB® SEAD®

The IUB® SEAD® is an innovative intrauterine drug delivery technology for women with abnormal uterine bleeding and/or heavy menstrual bleeding. The current standard of care (global endometrial ablation) is considered invasive, burdensome, debilitating, and costly and may result in uterine wall adhesions and even a hysterectomy.

Current global ablation technologies currently in use require expensive capital equipment, extensive physician training, general anesthesia & hospitalization and cause high indirect costs and usually pain to women.

The IUB® SEAD® is a market game-changer through simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and new and innovative yet gentle “substance-derived ablation” technology.  The IUB® SEAD® is nearly pain-free2 and efficacious to reduce bleeding and increase the quality of life.


  • Highly cost effective: <1/2 compared to current treatments.
  • Less invasive for women: pain-free2 and no need for hospitalization or general anesthesia
  • A once-and-done in-office procedure: as easy, quick and painless as an IUD insertion.
  • As simple, easy, quick and painless as an IUD insertion.
  • Overcomes problems of uterine size and/or shape limitations.


The SEAD™ is a market game changer through simplicity, cost effectiveness and new and innovative yet gentle “substance-derived ablation” technology.

IUB® SEAD® Scientific Publications

IUB® SEAD® highlighted in the 2021 FIGO World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics as an Oral Scientific Presentation along with a Spotlight.

The data presented at the 2021 FIGO World Congress on OCON’s IUB® SEAD® (Spherical Endometrial Ablation Device) shows over 80% reduction in bleeding with 95% of women reporting quality of life satisfaction.” Prof. Sergio Haimovich, CMO.


is a market game changer through simplicity, cost effectiveness and new and innovative yet gentle “substance-derived ablation” technology.

The IUB® SEAD® is a market game-changer through simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and new and innovative yet gentle “substance-derived ablation” technology.

Phase I Clinical Studies have successfully demonstrated safety3. Phase II Clinical Studies are currently ongoing.

The IUB® SEAD® has the potential of becoming a strong and attractive choice of therapy in the worldwide GEA market through its simplicity, cost effectiveness and new and innovative yet gentle “substance-based Ablation” technology.

2 ongoing Phase II Clinical Studies, OCON Medical Ltd.

3 Phase I Clinical Study, OCON Medical Ltd.